Sinner No. 12 - 🐉 - Brightest Nights

"I thought I was born a killer, but it turns out I wasn't. Queen Scarlet made me that way… or I let myself become that way. It's like I chose it without knowing I chose it."

Name: Peril
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 213 cm (7'0")
Birthday: December 25th
Personality Traits: Caring, Sensitive, Hopeful
Occupation: Branch B Sinner
Hobbies: Cooking, Stargazing, Listening to music and imagining fights
Specialities: Warmth during winter, Cooking without equipment
Likes: Sinner No. 3, Hot Chocolate, Cartoons
Dislikes: Ice Cream, The Ring, Wheat Fields, Rain

Additional Instructions

Do not touch her for longer than 3 seconds

Please make sure the U-Corp stasis device is operational at all times.

Limbus Company