Groups of Interests
You are bound to encounter more groups that have a similar interest and investment in what we pursue. In many ways, some are motivated through the same goals we wish to accomplish, or potentially through different ideologies. Some are our rivals, some are most likely the most generic you could imagine, and some could be close assets or allies. In any case, it is important you remember to keep an eye on them as to avoid conflict and to encourage good relationships with them.
We do not want to make more enemies or competitors...
G.O.I Directory
Associations and Offices
The Associations handle requests often made for Fixers such as security, combat, assassination, intel, patenting, and trades, some with a larger scale operation that a basic office wouldn't be able to handle! In addition, associations often have many affiliate offices under their control, they often handle requests (That are beyond refusal) that are assigned to them from the said association they are contracted under. Of course, this comes with an increase of pay and access to much better equipment.
Because of this status, clashing with an association may have it's own repurcussions, but worry not... every problem that may come of this will always have it's own ways of resolving itself, legally or not.
Hana Association

The managing body of the fixers, the Hana Association handle the grading of fixers, offices, and the threat levels of syndicates or phenomenons/distortions. In many cases, the association may get involved and deal with Star of the City leveled threats that one cannot handle alone. Keep in mind that it may be rare to see their fixers in the field, unless they are needed in dire circumstances, and this includes our company as well.
Zwei Association

The Zwei Association specializes in peacekeeping and protection. With claims to be 'Your shield' (their motto), their fixers and affiliates can be hired to provide the best claimed protection you can get out of fixers... for a price. With status of those who wish to uphold a semblance of law, it's easy to gain public infamy when it comes to clashing with a fixer of the association, but do not let that stop you if it comes in the way of our company's mission, seek proper methods of resolving conflict with them.
Tres Association
The Tres Association manages the approval of certain gadgets that are sold throughout the city, mostly just weapons, armor, and utility tools made by workshops. Unlike the Hana, they focus more on inspecting and evalutating submitted tools from applicant. If they deem is usable, they will approve it and send the applicant on their way. If not, it will be unapproved. The applier can get it's necessary feedback to make it more passable in their eyes, if it wasn't for them, this city would be full of unbearable weaponry that could result in chaos!
Shi Association

One of the more combative based associations, The Shi Association specializes in assassination. They focus on tactful killing, finding a prime opportunity to strike in a short amount of time. Their requests are usually high stakes and focused on high valued targets that one wants gone, as such this ends up being costly, but they get the job done without any questions asked. Recently, the Southern branches of the Shi Association has taken a huge loss following a scandal pulled by the Branch Manager.
Cinq Association
The Cinq Association is built around one-on-one duels. If a dispute needs to be solved with a fair and honorable duel, and one party wishes to not personally participate themselves (whether it be to fear or additional reasons that must not be mentioned), they can make a request to the association to stand in for them. However, these requests are not common for the associations, and instead handle gathering the other associations for joint conferences and additional events.
Liu Association

The Liu Association prides itself in its direct approach of combat in an all-out warfare. Their fixers are highly skilled, invigorated by the drive to fight and win any battlefield they are put in, with their deadly fire equipment and the training and prowess to fight multiple targets at once it is no wonder they have become one of the most trustworthy associations. Some may consider it old fashioned, but it’s no surprise these are highly sought after, their fiery methods show successful and profitable results.
Seven Association

Gathering intelligence can be not only difficult, but extremely deadly in this city. This is why the Seven Association takes on the burden of researching, observing, and peeking their heads where they shouldn’t. Although not combat oriented, fixers of this Association are quick on detecting weaknesses and responding accordingly. Sometimes that meaning moving a request to more capable hands.
Eight Association
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
Devjat Association
The Devjat Association specialize in delivery and transportation where it is extremely difficult to deliver important items or information to the intended recipients on time without losing it in the process.
Dieci Association

The Dieci Association is responsible for the collection and research of knowledge, along with regulating food security and control in the city. With four divisons of the association including the fists, keys, forks, and skewers, they all fulfill a role that stays true to the association's goals in mind.
Öufi Association
The Öufi oversees trades and deals..
Dodeca Association
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
Çardeh Association
Threats aren't resolved so easily, and as such some would want things to be dealt with quicker with somewhat of a brute force, this is where the Çardeh comes in. The Çardeh utilizes heavy equipment and armor to deal with threats that a regular fixer cannot handle with even the finest equipment. However, they are not excluded by the city's restrictions. As such, higher sections with much stronger equipment are required to hold operations only in the outskirts.
Papokõi Atyguasu

An association specializing in preemptive measure, aftermath rescue and cleanup. Because of the latter they are colloquially known as the human sweepers. Their sectors are based on specialization rather than rank. While very open to up and coming fixers, upwards mobilitiy inside the association is incredibly tedious and almost impossible unless connections are made.
Lobotomy Office

An office built and lead by ex-workers of the fallen Wing, Lobotomy Corporation. Their focus has been primarily on energy gathering just as its predecesor, but with a focus on the employee's well being and abnormality containment.As we both enter the same ruins, although for different reasons, clashes can occur. Since our first encounters business relationships have remained stable, so it is important we keep these just as they are. For more information, please read on the Office's operator.
Radius Office
An office that specializes in artifact collection and exploration of the Metastructure Exclusion. Their fixers typically come from a variety of backgrounds and have a variety of knowledge of the area. The requests they undergo are obviously risky, however they’re worth taking as they are rewarded greatly by their clients. Combat experience isn’t always necessary for the fixers they hire, but it’s typically recommended.
Advanced Devices Assembly
The Advanced Device Assembly is a workshop fixer office that strictly sells quality equipment to privileged clients, these contracts they form are often long-term and require equipment to be made and shipped in bulk. This closed off business model allows them to manage the resources they need to produce these equipment and pull profits from the highest bidder, they sometimes create contracts between associations, companies, and rarely certain sections of corporations. They typically don’t judge who their clients are, as they only focus straight on getting the work done, and ask questions later.
The Fingers and Syndicates
The Backstreets are not always lawless as one may put it. A semblance of law is put into place, it's just not what you expect as it comes into the form of the Five Fingers. Five powerful syndicates who dominate over their parts of the backstreets. Each with their own rules and ideologies that they live by and enforce. The everyday person with self proclaimed 'good morality' like us wouldn't understand why such a person would live under that rule.
The Fingers cannot easily be directly opposed by the Wings or Associations, as such we would recommend you watch how you approach your encounters with them, and the subsidiaries who are under their control.
The Thumb

The Thumb has the highest organizational power and has multiple subsidiaries under their control. They are known to live by the ideals that value hierarchy above all, class and formality is absolute and one must unconditionally respect those who are higher than them in their hierarchy. Failiure to follow their rules will result in punishments that aren't as lenient as simple slap on the wrist. as it will leave you with a lesson that you will never forget, if you are lucky enough to be left alive. You are free to simply abide by their rules and move on and forget you even had an encounter, clashing with a finger isn't always the best option unless you are cocky.
The Index

The Index consists of zealots who dedicate their lives to the 'prescripts'. The prescripts are slips of paper that dictate what one must do, and the one who obtains the prescripts are required to carry it out accordingly. Sometimes these prescripts can be very specific or vague, there's no real way to know what your own prescript may say. If you fail to do so will result in severe punishments carried out by their proxies. It's best to follow the prescript to the best of your ability, you wouldn't want to put the company at risk as a result of this.
The Middle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
The Ring

The Ring only 'trusts what they see', they see importance of the quality of art. And in addition to this, they believe in equal exchange. If one wishes to please the Ring, if you wish to intertwine in the Ring's activites, you better find ways to impress them, whether if it's an art piece you had worked hard on or an object that appeals to their vision of 'pure art', you have to hope what you bring works. Just hope that you brought enough to appease them.
The Pinky

Knowing your history is important, and it's importance is extremely held up by the Pinky. What is historical is always documented and recorded by them, much like how the Seven Association will record any information they will get their hands on. But of course, what they record will be used to their adventage, as such tactics or weaponry the Pinky may learn will be used in the field. And their structure and way of life is dedicated in keeping their processes going. Never underestimate what they are working for, sometimes you will find yourself on the other side of the advantages they deploy.
Ramier Family
A subsidiary of the Thumb, the Ramier Family is a syndicate that focuses heavily on the production and distribution of Red Haze. They are characterized by dark grey suits and a variety of red shirts, and sharp weapons such as axes. Typically, their daily model focuses on gaining high amounts of revenue, a share going towards the Thumb, and the others for themselves whether it's for the materials to produce red haze, or for their pockets. Another staple of the Ramier Family is their brutality against opposition, following down the path of the Thumb, they often make their punishments harsh and extreme. One who falls victim to the Ramier Family will always end up being made an example for others.
PI Gang
A subsidiary of the Ring that’s run by an unidentified Maestro of the Ring. Despite carrying out orders for The Ring, (Murder, retrieval, intimidation, debt collecting) they also follow a murder for hire model, allowing themselves to be hired by anyone with the money. However, the PI Gang will always find the easiest methods to complete whatever they want, so everything won’t always be sufficient with what the client may want. Because of these factors, the PI Gang generally does not live up to what a subsidiary of the Ring could be.
Taihei Clan
A Edo-styled Yakuza clan located in the small town of Tohoku of District 25. They follow an isolated method of living and often don’t get themselves into other conflicts unless one intends to cause problems for them. The clan is accepting of any of those who seek isolation or escape from anything that's causing trouble in their lives, however, this acceptance may happen after a strict protocol is followed prior to the individual being given their membership in the syndicate.
Kanto Clan

An Allied Syndicate that works like how you'd see most yakuza clans performing shakedowns, charging protection money and acting like hired guards at times. Although these negative aspects are here, the Kanto Clan is currently aiding offices, organizations and other syndicates under the rule of 'Chairman Katagawa'. Often protecting certain areas from threats without charge, dealing with those who’d disturb the peace and just overall aid everyone nearby. The Kanto Clan will often do their best to avoid conflicts with most other syndicates and organizations, only fighting when provoked. Each family from the Kanto clan have their special role and portion of the backstreets that they defend/leech off of.
Omi Consortium

Another yakuza clan setup in District 17, this clan is known for it’s long time rivalry with the Kanto Clan in more ways than physical. The Omi Consortium constantly worked towards establishing itself as a syndicate and a threat/conqueror to the Kanto Clan. Constantly on the eye out for good business deals, trades and fights to keep its grip on the territory it holds, the Omi Consortium should not be trifled lightly. For even they have allies in places far beyond the Kanto’s reach.
The Courthouse
A SoTC level syndicate lead by something called the Executioner, their territory borders the backstreets surrounding G-Nest. The syndicate is divided into three sections, The Jury (basically the mooks), The Judges (People who command the jury), and finally the Executioner who leads the entire operation. However the Executioner never shows themself and speaks through the second in command, the Head Judge.
The Courthouse finds people and sees if they have a criminal background, levying appropriate punishments should the accused be guilty. However they especially detest crimes of familicide and arson, so much so that the punishment is always execution.
Coral Pirates
A syndicate in District 21 that operates within the Cornwall Backstreets. This faction rules the unoccupied seas and backstreets areas that other factions such as the Twinhooks Pirates have not intruded on.
This faction is known for extorting citizens of the Cornwall backstreets and holding raids on those who oppose them.
There is a mutual agreement between the Twinhooks and Coral Pirates to avoid a large-scale conflict. However, many incidents between the two occur anyways.
The syndicate is currently led by a man named ‘Bloody Bill’.
The Wings and Collectives
Nests can potentially be the safest place you and the sinners could be when you're traveling through the city, but the ones caring for such a place are their respective Wings. With different capabilities due to their singularities, certain wings can be less hands on than others. But don't let that allow you to cause trouble, as their influence can put a target on the company's head if such problems come into fruition for them.
For convenience, we've displayed the ones that will be important for Branch B's Travel.
E. Corp
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
F. Corp

A corporation with the technology to open anything and everything. While they have gone for more utilitarian and artistic uses, they have only recently delved in using their singularity, Fairy, offensively.
G. Corp
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
H. Corp

An energy corporation that rose after the fall of L Corp, H Corp's goal is to ensure the city remains alive with the power it needs. Be sure you give the local Argent Office and H Corp Security Guards a warm thank you and remember to disregard any rumors of the supernatural as they are simply that; Rumors.
I. Corp

A Corporation made to combat the various diseases and illnesses that befalls our City, although their history may have had a slight bump in the road, they do their best to make up for their failings.
J. Corp
This corporation has a simple but incredibly widespread singularity with the ability to lock anything, even things that are not tangible at all. Their Nest and Backstreets are known as places run by indulgence, risks and excess.
K. Corp

This corporation has too especialized on health, although they are more focused in inmediate first aid than diseases. Their healing ampules can heal scratches, broken bones, and amputations.
L. Corp
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
Nagel und Hammer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
Stone Corp
A Corporation based around Mining and providing the city it's minerals and materials to create all sorts of items. Though this wing may be hostile to everyone except for themselves, do not let this bother you as their workers are put through harrowing and dangerous situations just to retrieve some minerals.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio..
U. Corp

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio..
Golden Collective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
Department of Experiential Olympic Sports

The Department of Experiential Olympic Sports (DEOS) is a department of Nagel und Hammer that oversees the development of olympic sports within the confines of N. District. In general, they are the leading governing body of olympics sports as a whole in the city due to their business model that dominates the industry as a whole. DEOS annually runs domestic and city-wide competitions, and prestegious competitions such as the 'Golden Citizens League' that runs every three years. Many have attempted to challenge DEOS's rule within the industry, yet none found the same success as what DEOS has found.
S3 Collective
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.
City Organizations
To the Associations, The Fingers, and the Wings, our city has no limits to the factions that make up it's everyday works. Our city will continue to breed these groups as long as there are people to fall in line. We have compiled a list of individual groups that are of interest for the company.
Elgen Company

The Elgen Company, owned by Charles J. Hatch is a growing energy firm supported by multiple nests and backstreet communities. Starting from its beginnings after the events of the White Nights and Dark Days, the company's rise and popularity can only be attributed to the Fall of Lobotomy Corporation, and the race to become the top energy firm. In addition to the production of clean energy, the Elgen has since expanded and opened up more divisions based around side operations. The Elgen has taken public action against Limbus Company and many other groups seeking to explore the abandoned facilities of Lobotomy Corporation. We recommend that you stay on the lookout for potential strikes from the firm's militarized bodies.
Formerly led by Sinner No. 8, the Electro-clan was once an armed group of delinquents and dissidents that opposed the Elgen Company and its rise in the industry. Although their intentions were claimed to be good, many nests deemed them to be a nuisance as they were disrupting the power flow provided by the Elgen Company. Following the capture of Sinner No. 8 by the Elgen Company (and later extraction by Limbus Company's LC-A Task Force), the Electro-clan lost a great deal of its members and is now crippled. Though, a few remnants are still present around the city, and strive to continue the fight against the Elgen.
Fall's Law and Equity
A law firm established by Autumn Wexler as a subsidiary of the Azure Company. Fall's Law and Equity focuses on providing defense to those within the confines of legal spaces. Clients of the firm typically come from small beginnings to larger clients. Currently, the firm is a partner of the company and has been contracted to be the main representing attorney when certain legal issues apply.
Hatter's Tea Party

An Organization that is supposedly affiliated with our Sinner, Alice. According to her, the 'Tea Party' is a group of individuals who watch over 'Wonderland', keeping it safe from threats such as 'The Jabberwock' or 'The Queen of Hearts'. As of right now, there is little evidence of such a group existing, save for a calling card in Alice's possession (as well as her persistence about the group's existence. Although we currently cannot confirm if this Tea Party is real or not, it may be beneficial to keep a look out for any of their 'Guests'. Not everything is at it seems in The City, her delusions may have truth after all.
Larquais Family

The Larquais Family is one of the top families of N. Nest, which consists of 8 members. The Larquais owe many businesses throughout their respective district, and are in equal wealth to the Cardona House. Unlike the Sintes Family, they lack political power.The three brothers of the Larquais Family: Raymond, Russell, and Joseph have recently bought attention to the family, with the eldest, Joseph being murdered by an unidentified murderer, and the two remaining brothers reportedly getting themselves into trouble as a result of the loss of their brothers. Raymond (The youngest) since then disassociated himself with the family to hunt down his brother's murder.
Sintes Family

The Sintes Family is one of the top three families of N. Nest, they invest heavily into the olympic sporting industry and fixer related activities outside the nest. The family as a whole is known to be a huge playmaker in all actions related to Nagel und Hammer, they often top the historical rivalry that they have with the other top families such as the Larquais and Cardona, as they have the jack of all trades when it comes to both wealth and political power.
Cardona House

The Cardona House is one of the top three families of N. Nest, they invest heavily into external commerce especially with art and sculptures, as such they collaborate greatly with certain Ring assets. Currently, the Cardona House is able to provide certain benefits of N. District to those who come from outside the Nest, only if they are able to abide by such rules.
Freelance Alliance
A small group of individuals dedicated to the retrieval of potential survivors or perished ones from L Corp Branches. Originally working for L-Corp, these individuals know their way around certain facilities and abnormalities like the back of their hand. Our company advises to keep these individuals on good terms, as their connections to L-Corp and the Kanto Clan could provide the company with much welcomed supplies and support. It is suggested to bring them along when the Lobotomy Office is involved as they can smooth out any hostilities between the company and the office.
Gare SC

Gare Sports Club is a professional olympics sports team based in N. District. Gare competes in top tier leagues that DEOS hosts annually, they are the second most successful team in each DEOS Golden Citizens League just short of The Privateers, they are owned and directly funded by the Sintes Family of N. Nest. The team often prides themselves of having home grown talent within N. District and utilize state of the art facilities and equipment to allow them to prosper in the area of the city's experiential olympic sports.
Night and Hammer

Night and Hammer is a professional olympics sports team based in N. District, and owned by the Larquais Family. Formerly a two time champion of the Golden Citizen's league, Night and Hammer recently had unwanted setbacks following change within funding and player peformance, leading to them being relegated to the second division of DEOS's domestic leagues. At the same time, due to their status as a historically successful team within DEOS, they are still allowed to participate in certain competitions, their outcomes however depend on the performance of their players.
Auxiliaire Royal SC

Auxiliaire Royal SC is a professional sports club based in N. District, they are three time winners of DEOS’s Golden Citizens league and still participates in the top tier environment domestically. Currently Auxiliaire Royal is directly funded by N. Nest’s Cardona House. In general Auxiliaire Royal are known to be dark horses in certain competitions they participate in.
The Privateers
The Privateers is a professional olympics sports team formerly based in I. District. They are the most successful team within the Golden Citizens League, winning a total of 7 times throughout their participation in the league. Because of the fact they aren't directly funded by wealthy individuals, the privateers instead rely on what they are capable of getting their hands on to compete, unlike the likes of Night and Hammer and Gare SC. This of course does not exclude facts that they can sometimes utilize state of the art equipment provided from other sponsors.
Maghbile Pharmaceuticals
An old pharmaceutical firm, owned by Finnian, in charge of the distribution of most of District 19's medicine. Are mostly known for their ownership of the District 19 Quarantine Zone, and their prevention of the spread of a disease that originated from within it.
Fomoire Group
A mysterious group currently in a dispute with Maghbile Pharmaceuticals for the ownership of the District 19 Quarantine Zone, who claim to have been survivors of the illness that had wiped out the area.
Golden Order of the Third Light

You shouldn't have done that.
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Do you require more information? No need to worry, as we are willing to supply you with more information on this branch. Granted, if you have the correct credentials of course.
Below are information collected by the company with all things concerning this branch.