This is a Rival Faction who directly opposes what our company intends to accomplish, they are a threat with dangerous sponsors and backing.
Information about the Purgo Office is limited and sparse, we can only provide so much to your eyes.
Those apart of Purgo should be treated with extreme caution.
Those who provide finance and resources to Purgo will be listed here.

Dr. Hatch
Particulars: Embattled Resourcefulness.
Currently sponsoring the office through investments.
Refuses to tolerate failure and insubordination, will take extraordinary measures for the benefit of himself and the Elgen Company.
[WARNING]: The company only has knowledge on his public appearances, any information on his internal conduct was provided by Sinner No. 8 and word of mouth.

Particulars: Cruel, Sadistic, Valuable.
A high ranking member of the Ring, specifically in the Ruby's family. She is responsible for the deaths of many other finger members, partaking in blood sports where prisoners fight to the death in Scarlet's personal gladiatorial arena.
The Wedded, duo leaders of the Ring, are aware of Scarlet's cruelty but unfortunately she brings in a lot of funding to a point where losing her could be quite crippling. As is the Ring's policy they value money, so they cannot remove her without a solid fallback plan. Has high connections to one of our sinners, they must be separated at all costs.

Those who work closely with Purgo will be listed here.

[NOTICE]: Information about this individual has been restricted by orders of several Wings and Associations.
We can only warn that he is extremely proficient in combat and should be approached with extreme caution.

Particulars: Aloof, Loyal, Hardworking.
A famous writer of B Nest, he seems to be merely overseeing the actions of this office.
Despite this, because of some of our sinners, we too must remain vigilant of any suspicious behavior that could endager our company and its assets.

Particulars: Taciturn, Direct.
The leader of the Fomoire Group, and a man with a deep-seated grudge, if the vague description given by Sinner No. 16 is to be believed.
He has made a deal with this office, offering the group's manpower in exchange for funding to empower themselves and provide replacements for their lost limbs.

Those who work completely in the body of Purgo will be listed here.

Purisima del Carmen Vicario
Particulars: Smothering, Strict, Overbearing.
The mother of the Vicario family.
No fixer records were found corresponding to her, only of her children Pablo Vicario, Pedro Vicario, and the deceased Paloma Vicario. Sinner No. 3 did not provide any details of her when interviewed.
It can be infered what their relationship and her particulars are with the information given by the media when the "Santiago Nasar" scandal ocurred.

Particulars: Determined, Lawful.
A lawyer that won't let up until one is brought to justice. Currently focused on No. 09 and the crime commited.
Despite the lack of fighting prowess, he can be of trouble to our company as long as he continues to work with this Office.

Particulars: Hesitant, Demonstrates a sense of fairness.
A graduate from a prestigious college in G-Nest. He advocates for order and maintains an open-minded personality.
[NOTICE]: Fairness does not excuse the fact he works for the opposing side, do not let your guard down around him.

Raymond Larquais
Particulars: Disturbed by current family events, Strong-Arm
An unrefined man who comes from the luxurious life of an N-Nest family. His motivations stems from the death of a family member to seek justice for them, and his dislike for the very family that has its own problems to contend with.
[NOTICE]: His current actions, although they do not represent the Larquais Family in general, will put shame to the family's name.

Particulars: Experienced, Vengeful, Prone to Anger
The son of a dead kingdom he once had the favor of an agent of the Head, though after an incident that has left a royal family of District-7 scorched he has long since been exiled and now seeks vengeance for the one responsible.
As a high grade fixer he is no stranger to combat and is quite adept with a longsword, he has seen many things on his adventure and once had founded an office. However, they've disbanded after the incident.

Bayardo San Román
Particulars: Charismatic, Unrelenting, Haughty.
Son of the famous Petroncio San Román from the Smoke War.
An important pillar of the F Corp. Wing, plucked from the Wing after the "Santiago Nasar" scandal.
Sinner No. 03 proceeded to pity him while describing him.
Currently a Grade 3 fixer and holding several athletic records in many areas of expertise.

Captain Beatty
Particulars: Work in Progress.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.

Particulars: Tough, Relentless, Stressed.
Of all the enemies to encounter within Purgo Office, Darry is one to keep a decent eye on. Just like his sibling, Darry's knowledge of the Backstreets and it's various syndicates could prove fatal to our administrators. Unfortunately for us, his bite is just as deadly as his bark, as his phyiscal strength and mastery over the two bionic arms he has could prove dangerous for the group. However, his only concern is for the retrieval of Sinner 15, so use this knowledge to one's advantage in keeping him far away from the administrators or to maniuplate him against the rest of Purgo Office.

Particulars: Pressured, Loyal, Physical Instability.
This individual was embedded into Purgo by the orders of the Elgen Company. Much like our dear Sinner No. 8, she possesses the gift of being a 'glow'. Unlike our sinner, her abilities instead allow her to download and transport digital information through herself with the touch of any devices. Her ability doesn't bring that much combat experience as a result, but her uses through utility still makes her a valuable asset to Purgo, and we shouldn't let our guard down when she is present.

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Below are information collected by the company with all things concerning this branch.