Welcome to the Secondary branch of Limbus Company
There are bound to be more sinners in the city and a surplus of resources we must spend for the sake of the company’s goals, as a result of these demands, (and many discussions among company higher-ups) we have made the decision to open up a secondary branch to house a new batch of sinners.
We understand that you cannot handle two branches of troublesome sinners at once, it would risk efficiency! Due to this, you don’t have to worry at all, as we have assigned a different branch manager and his own assistants (Guide and Secretary) to deal handle this branch.
Please utilize this extension to your handy-dandy guide to learn more about this branch and confer with your three colleagues, you will need to know what’s to come for the branch. Although it’s not your expected responsibility, take the opportunity to get along with the individuals of the branch
A Vehicle for Branch B
Bringing this branch to locations all throughout the city is The Argo, a vehicle specialized to accommodate the sinners in their travels to complete their various trips around the city.
As one could tell from a glance the Argo is different from the other branch’s Mephistopheles as it looks like a boat on wheels instead of a proper vehicle, The creator (Sinner No. 14) can say for certain this design choice was intentional. Both vehicles share a similar design in that they both are capable of ramming through things at high speeds, but due to the larger and heavier frame the Argo is more built for that purpose.
The upper ‘deck’ of the Argo serves no purpose and is mostly built to fit the overall aesthetic, with the exception of the sail apparatus.
To learn more about the Argo, you can read the files written by Sinner No. 14 here.
In this branch are three hard-working individuals who come from the company. It will be their responsibility to command the sinners and deal with other tasks, along with retrieving the Golden Bough from branches in other locations of the city.
Once more, please read up on their information and approach them with good intentions, we wouldn’t want to have too much hostility between branches, especially in the administrative sectors of our company.
Please understand that some areas of this section is being updated constantly due to certain staffing issues.

Branch B General Manager
A man of many unusual talents and intense emotional damage, Lovecraft prides himself on his exploration of the things beyond our gaze and stars. Being exposed to horrors both equal to and beyond the creatures we call abnormalities, Lovecraft no longer finds himself scared of the abyss. Although, unfortunately, long time exposure to the unknown has delegated the known to be his absolute fear. Do be patient with this man as even the smartest and the strongest still have their weaknesses.
Never ask him where he got his abilities from, for doing so will most likely result in a trip to the mental hospital.

Adler Kenway
Branch B Guide
The guide for this branch is the illustrious Green Alter of the North. A color and former executive member of a certain finger. You can trust him to apply his knowledge and skills throughout the journey this branch will disembark on. Of course, the company cannot develop an overreliance on him, as a seasoned fixer cannot always handle many things at once.
Thoughts and ideologies should be put aside when discussing things with him, whether it’s work or personal, as he can be easily offended with the wrong comments on certain topics. He indeed has a past, but it’s one that will not be used against the interests of this company. He is a valuable assistant to the company, and as such it’s in our best interest to not offend him. Show him the respect, and gratitude he truly deserves.

Camille Arnoldson
Branch B Secretary
Hard-working, Observant, and Considerate. This branch’s NEWEST secretary is a handy person to have at your side, we don’t always need combat experience to get business done. As a representing member of the company’s human resources department, she will provide assistance in general management and information keeping. She is required to operate alongside her colleagues in the field and will be able to provide anything related to the company’s materials and records at her disposal (Keep in mind that she can only give so much to both you and this branch’s manager).
[NOTICE]: A position like hers is different from a walk in the park, as it presents dangers to her physical and mental welfare, especially for a meek person such as her. In addition, the dangers presented to her role in the branch extend to the opposing parties. She is a priority target to them, especially in the field. Once more, this must be taken into account when caring about her safety. A replacement is steadily available, but we cannot take time to deplete resources for avoidable outcomes.

Despite being one of the more odd branches you may come across, you will find the sinners to be fit to complete most of the jobs assigned to them. Certain sinners of this branch must be approached with caution, and their particulars must be thoroughly read and understood.
If you require more information, seek Lovecraft, Adler Kenway or Camille Arnoldson.

NO. -01 - Alice
Particulars: Highly Delusional, Dreamy, Curiousity Driven.
This Sinner can be considered a "Special Case". Bafflingly enough, records of her existence are nigh unobtainable, and her overactive imagination deems her unfit to give out any sensible answers about herself. She claims to have come from a world known as "Wonderland", working as an assassin for a 'Tea-Party' (Please Refer to the logs of her initial interview for further elaboration). As of now, she has refused to give any alternative answers about herself.
She has drowned herself in her own delusions, so please take anything she may tell you with a grain of salt. It is not recommended to leave her alone without some sort of supervision, as she has been known to get lost (and likely cause unwanted trouble for everyone.) She may appear to be too 'Childish' for this line of work, but she has been proven to be just as dangerous as any other Sinners, and should be treated and respected accordingly.

NO. 02 - Mina Harker
Particulars: Strategist, Intelligent, Wary, Attentive.
A sinner with extensive knowledge of bloodfiend behavior, practices, and weaknesses, one could use this sinner's knowledge to their tactical advantage, however limited it may be. Although this sinner harbors a thirst for blood as well, you will be fine as long as you administer a large shock to the individual. If this sinner begins to harbor any ideas of betrayal or attempts to run away: Contact the higher ups and explain the issue at hand. Once you make the call, hang up the phone and politely inform the sinner that we'll be visiting her husband.
It may be best to learn what you can from her in order to use that knowledge against her in the future.

NO. 3 - Ángela Vicario
Particulars: Ingenious, Opportunistic, Brazen.
Nests welcome anyone who has worked hard to belong in its ranks, however, this sinner is not one of them. She shamelessly doesn't appear to care for this fact, as she continued to live in a Nest while surrounded by scandals.
When working with this sinner, she may seem to be obedient and willing to do whatever you request of her, but it's highly likely she already has a different approach in mind to the situation at hand. Use this to your advantage, as in this job, resourcefulness can make the difference between life or death.
By request of Wing [REDACTED] please remind this sinner of her place in the company and in the City.

NO. 4 - Winston Smith
Particulars: Paranoid, observant, loyal.
This sinner was once a reclaimed author in B Nest, but after a nervous breakdown born out of a tight schedule, he has found his way into our company.
Regardless, while this sinner may appear as still carrying the scars of that incident, he has demonstrated to be perfectly capable of following orders to a T, firmly believing in what his handlers and superiors say with devotion. This aspect of him will be useful as he can be left alone to work with a simple order while you manage the other sinners.
If, by any chance, this sinner is to return to his previous paranoid state, your job as the manager is to do a simple reality check and bring him back to his senses. Please read on his records for a simple step by step guide on how to do it.

NO. 5 - Harun Oran
Particulars: Tells past stories in a variety of manners.
A sinner who had just returned from incarceration for a potentially covered-up case, this sinner is always telling stories involving his family, sometimes with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. We suggest that you allow him to go on and avoid offending him in any way, as he becomes more compliant to authority due to his satisfaction. You may notice that this sinner's habits may be unhealthy, but it should be the least of your worries, as he expresses no interest to cause trouble, and changing those habits may be proven to be trivial.

NO. 6 - Dr. Jekyll
Particulars: Calm, Reserved, Smart, Paranoid.
Upon reading records of this sinner's past deeds and actions, one would be confused as to his inclusion in this group. However, even the most mighty of offices need a little bit of medical care to aid them. Doing his best to keep the entirety of limbus relatively stable, even if it means looking at more unconventional methods of medical aid. Although he is not defenseless, being the doctor of the group, as his vast knowledge of chemistry should deal a decent blow to whatever opponent comes his way. All he asks is to stay patient with Sinner No.9 and to be as open as possible with him.

NO. 7 - Jack Merridew
Particulars: Excessive Paranoia, Inferiority Complex, Extreme Resentment.
One would believe that the luxuries of the nest life would allow one to settle in and accept where they were. Unfortunately for this sinner, it would seem as if he never accepted that position, and so did society itself, as it did not accept him. According to the reports from his youth, he slowly drifted off into a state of envy for those around him, leading to resentment and hate. It is unknown why he never settled down and accepted where he ended up in the first place, as it only led to an incident leading to him leaving the nest.
The negatives aside, this sinner still excels in the fields of survival even for someone his age. His performance in the field is what will ultimately benefit the company. But he is still young and has much to learn, it's advised to not let him get what he always wants.

NO. 8 - Vey
Particulars: Physical Instability, Distrustful to the higher authority.
Designated as a potential fugitive by many, this sinner possesses a 'gift' he so claims no one should have in their life. A dangerous pulse (Electric Shock) without mechanical intervention can potentially become lethal to those around him. As such, approach him with caution, ensure that his emotional status is in check, and be sure to keep his ‘RESAT’ device (Acquired via the Elgen Company through [REDACTED] means) in good condition. His gift may be beneficial to our company, but this asset is nothing but a hazard if handled incorrectly. So, it is wise to avoid idolizing him for his ability as requested by himself, and for the sake of his colleagues.
[Notice]: This sinner is prone to be defiant in the face of directions and rules, you are not required to treat him as nicely as you are forced to. But you must ensure that he follows the necessary orders he is given, under reasonable circumstances.

NO. 9 - Hyde
Particulars: Emotional, Reckless, Intelligent, Sociable.
A dangerous man of unknown origins, this sinner prides himself on his own capabilities and strength. Willing to do things not many would even consider doing, he provides quite the capable strong arm to have assist the branch. Do be warned, however, to let this thing do what it wishes too much and you will have loosened the leash that was set on him. Always make sure to put your foot down whenever you can and always carry a firearm with you to keep him in check.

NO. 10 - Guy Montag
Particulars: Inarticulate, easily swayed, a tag along.
A sinner who had been fumbling his way through a journey and a half, before deciding to leave it all behind. Misguided at best, he found himself trying to make meaning from the life that once provided for him, leading him to becoming enlisted here. He quit smoking as one of his steps forward, as small as it is. Otherwise, he's mild-mannered when he's not clumsy, and tries to understand what everyone might mean. Keep in mind, however, the more he thinks, the more "why"s he would want. The more it will spiral.
He'll need to have a team alongside him, as thinking independently of himself is overwhelming and often confusing. He won't be certain what to do next without a guide, and tends to find it easier to go with the flow. He might overcomplicate things if he tries to split his decision into many, tangling himself up in all these thoughts until all he could do is stutter and stumble in it. Don't go sending him alone on big and complex decisions. He has faith in this, mind you, but he can quickly drop it all if there is a sharp decline in the workspace. (Not that there should be any.)
Be gentle on him, he'll need it, because he is still going on that personal journey.

NO. 11 - Macbeth
Particulars: Aloof, Jealous, "Proud", Self-Reliant
Be advised as a manager it's not wise to be loud about your achievements around this one, quick to jealousy and steadfast in his pride, he can be suddenly temperamental. Often accepting orders issued, and a useful willingness to do whatever it takes for the success of a mission, consequences are another beast for him however.
From his own words he is 'Observant, devoted to the company, unshakable in resolve and efficient, take that as you will, manager.
However, manager, you should be warned, there were some incidents of denying orders he found "illogical", and an unfortunate willingness to throw his fellow sinners under the bus for his own purposes, however you cannot argue with the results. On the other hand it would be pleasant if he was not so ready to shift the blame to others.
It would also likely be a good note not to bother "Lady Macbeth", the dagger this sinner has named in memory of his ex-wife, and as such seems protective of it. He has made multiple requests for her not to be brought up as a topic for conversation, and often refuses to answer questions related to her, seemingly it is a sore memory.

NO. 12 - Peril
Particulars: Sensitive, Curious, Bold, Hopeful, Loving, Stubborn.
A result of an accident involving a singularity experiment and a non-disclosed series of past events, this sinner is somewhat complicated to deal with in a physical sense. Since her birth she has had a special condition known as 'Fire Blood', where an aura (5 ft radius) of blistering heat. Being outside the 5ft can be described as an uncomfortable summer day while being within is like standing close to a volcano, the sinner has no control over this ability outside of specially made clothes.
Despite this the sinner seems unaffected by the heat and the concept of fire itself, though the limits of the resistance is unknown. The sinner shows guilt whenever their ability causes unintentional harm, taking caution whenever they're around people. This sinner also has unnatural expertise in hand-to-hand combat, apparently coming from a long cycle of unwilling violence.
[Caution]: The sinner's Fire Blood can be a hazard to some area, take into consideration when going into flammable areas.
[WARNING]: Under no circumstances should the sinner fall into the hands of the Ring, nor should information about the sinner's location. If either scenario happens, prepare for the worst.

NO. 13 - Josefina
Particulars: Stubborn, distrustful, and determined.
This sinner was born and raised in the outskirts, from folks unfortunate enough to not have touched the grounds of our beautiful City. Because of this, there is not much information about this sinner's past and she will be lacking in some areas of expertise, having a simpler view of the world around her. It is important you keep an eye on her for the rest of her sentence in this company, otherwise she might run back to that lawless land.
However, being born in a place as desolate as the Outskirts have given her a resilience and survival skills far greater than some of the highest fixers. Use these abilities to your advantage as she has the diligence and determination to finish the work she begun and will stop at nothing until it is completed.

NO. 14 - Medea
Particulars: Violent, Crafty, Reckless, Prone to angry outbursts.
Conflict seems to follow this sinner wherever she goes, at no one's fault except her own. Though she has a few outside connections to prevent any consequences from reaching her, it is best not to question who she talks to. The sinner is credited for the creation of the [Argo], a steam train configured to be able to drive off any tracks and is styled into a boat.
[Caution]: Make no attempt to tamper with the engine of Argo, for the sinner shows no remorse in dealing punishment who do.
The sinner shows great capabilities in driving the Argo, but shows recklessness and disregardance to any road safety laws. Opting to 'take the optimal route' no matter what stood in the way, resulting in plenty of collateral damage during travel. It is best to keep the sinner from 'driving optimally' inside any Nest, being persuasive is a recommendation.
In the field of battle she show intense overwhelmed strength, using a massive greatsword to shatter enemy defense and deal ruthlessly with crowds. Though it is recommended that one keeps an eye on the sinner, as she can get lost in the violence.
[Notice]: The use of EGO can be dangerous with this one, any kind that she syncs with effectively has a dangerous chance to overtake her.

NO. 15 - Ponyboy
Particulars: Emotional, Street-Smart, Inquisitive
Originating from the backstreets overlooked by various syndicates, this sinner knows the different syndicates and their cultures like the back of their hand. They can be a decent guide to the backstreets, in case one loses their path ahead. Although the curious nature and the recent events of this sinner will cause some discourse and trouble with them, do not be afraid to remind them of the past they just came from. If all else fails, threaten them with the firearm that will be provided to the branch administration.

NO. 16 - Tuan
Particulars: Reclusive
This sinner, provided some small luxuries, will do what is asked without too much of a fuss. His ability to remember things down to the most minute detail and his resilience in battle prove him as a valuable asset. Due to this, it is recommended to avoid prying into his history; as his particular discomfort of recalling the past on a whim will lead to a bout of avoidant behavior that will prove troublesome.
Patience is key.
However, if whatever tasks he finds important to his “Magnum Opus” are in the way of the company’s mission, insist that another opportunity will present itself and he will most likely relent.
[NOTICE]: With his unusual deformities, his synchronization with EGO is unusually effective, so err on the side of caution as to prevent him from becoming consumed by it.

NO. 17 - Stanley Yelnats
Particulars: Clumsy, Adaptable, Unlucky
Once originating from a Nest, his last place of origin before joining Limbus Company was in a detention camp placed in the Outskirts, to which he claims was due to a falsely convicted crime. While it is impossible to tell whether this is truly the case, it is important to note that records show that he had served the full amount of time that was ordered without any notes of misconduct provided by the camp.
After extensive caution and testing, this sinner has shown that he will indeed follow orders as long as they are not deemed unreasonable to ask of him or if they involve any amount of luck, to which he also claims it is “never a good idea to involve a member of the Yelnats family with the element of luck”. Thus, this makes him a sinner that will not need as much managing as others may need.

NO. ?? - Wade
Particulars: Work in Progress.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus ante elementum, imperdiet lacus ut, scelerisque ante. Integer tempor lorem quis lorem blandit rhoncus. Mauris viverra, diam eget fringilla fringilla, augue nulla feugiat leo, at egestas ligula nunc eu purus. Ut fringilla facilisis sapien, non viverra orci sagittis eget. Donec eu varius dolor. Praesent rutrum augue a nunc pretium pharetra vitae sed risus. Integer volutpat purus odio, in vehicula nisl finibus congue. Ut ultricies viverra mollis. Morbi mollis vel dui in ornare. Vestibulum nec commodo odio.

NO. 00 - AM
Particulars: Strategic, calculating, obedient and subservient.
Do not allow this sinner to be seen by others outside of the company.
Do not let this sinner near huge connecting networks.
Do not treat this sinner as human.
This sinner is one of the many impurities that exist outside of our beautiful city, generously brought here by our founder. As such, keeping its current residency in the company is important as to avoid conflicts with our remarkable leaders. If a manager or the sinners have to speak to it, we recommend finding a nonverbal way to do so or to do it behind closed doors.
It is an old but advanced AI system created to help win battles too complex for humans to think in a short amount of time. He is harmless to our company, as he only wishes to help us as a form of gratitude for rescuing him from the Wing forsaken outskirts. It is recommended that you follow the guidance of this sinner and help him when requesting research to be done, as his plans and strategies will grow more successful the more data he has.
Since it does not have a human body, it cannot join the field missions, however, it can still be of use outside of missions. Be creative, manager.
Any threat made by it does not need to be reported to HR. He just has a bad taste for humor.

Additional Links
Do you require more information? No need to worry, as we are willing to supply you with more information on this branch. Granted, if you have the correct credentials of course.
Below are information collected by the company with all things concerning this branch.